Hey, we want to inform you that we have now moved to new premises, it's close to the old premises (just a minute). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Hej vi vill informera er att vi har nu flyttat till nya lokalen, det är nära gamla lokalen (bara en minut). Om ni har några frågor får ni gärna att ringa!

It combines the goodness of Amla fruit (Indian Gooseberry) with a blend of vegetable and mineral oils to promote long, healthy hair. Regular application can assist in reducing split ends and minor hair loss. It has been the secret of beautiful hair in India and around the world for over 50 years. (100ml)
For best results, apply 1 to 2 teaspoons (up to 10ml) of Dabur Amla Hair Oil into the hair and leave for some time (ideally 1 hour). Then apply a good shampoo. Massage the shampoo well into the hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly. For best results apply Dabur Amla Hair Oil three a week.
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