Hey, we want to inform you that we have now moved to new premises, it's close to the old premises (just a minute). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Hej vi vill informera er att vi har nu flyttat till nya lokalen, det är nära gamla lokalen (bara en minut). Om ni har några frågor får ni gärna att ringa!

Niuma Carrot Lotion smooths and softens your skin. It is indicated for the treatment of several skin disorders. Niuma Carrot Lotion tones and brightens the complexion and helps deal with the skin hyper-pigmentation problems. (500ml)
Wash carefully and then massage Carrot Lotion gently into your skin. Use regularly once or twice a day for best results.
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It protects and gives you long lasting results. Its ingredients smooth and soften your skin, tone and brighten the complexion, help to clear spots and blemishes and protect against bacteria. (500ml)
Wash carefully and then massage Lotion gently into your skin. Use regularly once or twice a day for best results.
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